The Czech Republic is a European country imbued with originality, uniqueness, and gothic. Red tiled roofs are the hallmark of this state.

The capital of the Czech Republic is the city of Prague, which history exceeds a thousand years. Tourists love the old part of the city very much because it is there that there are more attractions on a square place of the earth than anywhere else. One way or another, Prague attracts tourists from all over the world!
Prague Castle
One of the symbols of the capital and the main attraction is the Prague Castle. This castle complex is the largest in the world, as evidenced by the Guinness Book of Records. Prague city consists of several courtyards, on the territory of which there are ancient castles, chapels, towers, and palace ensembles.

Charles Bridge
The Charles Bridge became a real work of art by medieval stonemasons. It is curious that according to legend, during the construction of the bridge, the binding material were … eggs. It was they who gave the masonry monumental strength. By the way, the Charles Bridge began to be called only in the second half of the 19th century, and before that, it was called Prague. According to historical data, the Emperor of the Roman Empire, after whom the bridge is now named, personally laid the very first stone in 1357.
The most famous bridge tower adorning the Charles Bridge in the Old Town. It is decorated with sculptures of emperors and their coats of arms. A unique feature of the tower is the mesh vaults. In the 17th century, during the siege of Prague by the Swedes, most of the sculptures of the Old Town Bridge Tower were irretrievably destroyed.

For a long time, the decoration of the Charles Bridge was only the towers. However, during the Baroque period, the best masters of their time decorated the bridge with a whole gallery of sculptures.
Old Town Square
The well-known Old Town Square is located in the historical center of Prague. The houses surrounding the square are made in a whole carnival of styles: here you can find Baroque, Rococo, Gothic, and Renaissance. In the 14th century, the City Hall was built on the Old Town Square, and at the very beginning of the 15th century, the familiar Prague Chimes were installed.

The Church of St. Vitus
One of the most beautiful churches of antiquity, truly the heart of the whole Czech Republic, and a holy place is the Church of St. Vitus. The cathedral with the Vratslav Chapel was built more than 10 centuries ago! The church impresses with its solemnity, grandeur, laconic, and at the same time majestic appearance.

The peculiarity of Prague is that even just walking through the streets of this original city, the sights will meet at every step. At least because every corner, every house in Prague is a piece of antiquity. And even the air of the Gothic capital is special.