The Great Wall of China
The most popular and simple attraction of China is the Great Wall of China, or rather, its section called Badaling. Which is located about eighty kilometers from Beijing. Badaling was built back in the days when the Ming Dynasty ruled everything. Then, during the reign of the Qing Dynasty, it played the role of a gateway to Beijing, the capital of China. By the way, the Great Wall itself has a total length of as much as nine thousand kilometers, which intrigues travelers.

The wall is divided into several large sections that were built during the reign of various dynasties. That is, each of its sectors is a unique piece of history that preserves memories. Because the Chinese Wall has many ascents and the same sharp descents. The view of nature is constantly changing.
The Forbidden City
There are many legends about this area. For example, the most famous of them say that at least ten thousand guest rooms were built in this largest complex. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. The palace includes a little more than eight thousand rooms and ornate corridors that can confuse everyone. In addition, the Forbidden City is not only a popular object throughout China. But also a cult building in its capital, Beijing.

Today, on the territory of the palace complex, you can stumble upon a museum called Gugun. Which includes a million different exhibits that attract not only tourists but also, of course, residents of nearby cities. Since the Forbidden City has incredible size. It is impossible to get around it entirely in one day, so it is worth allocating a few free days to study it.
Temple of Heaven
If we talk about the most famous landmark in Beijing, then definitely. It will be the Temple of Heaven, which everyone knows about. According to some reports, the temple has existed for more than four hundred years, which attracts the attention of foreign tourists. The building is made of glazed tiles, which never goes unnoticed, collecting more and more views of passers-by.

The territory of the Temple of Heaven is surrounded by figured walls, and the terrace of the building is decorated with white marble slabs, which symbolizes purity and purity. Initially, a couple of centuries ago, the Temple of Heaven was erected to spread such concepts as “prayer” and “sacrifice”, but it remains relevant among the majority in the twenty-first century.
Beijing Observatory
If, after many sights visited, the desire to see something unusual remains, then in this case it is worth paying attention to the old observatory, which is located almost in the center of Beijing, so it should be difficult not to notice it.

The observatory was erected in the middle of the fifteenth century when the necessary telescopes and other instruments did not even exist. Also from its platform, you can admire the Celestial globe and Theodolite.