Moscow is the capital of the largest country in the world. This city has experienced a lot and can tell its story through its architecture, museums or art galleries. Most of the most famous sights and cultural monuments of the country are gathered in the capital of Russia. Not only tourists come here, but also residents of different regions to learn something new about their country and just relax in one of the most developed cities of the Russian Federation.
What kind of city is Moscow?
This city never sleeps. Life here boils throughout the day without interruptions. From morning to evening, local residents work, and from evening to morning various bars, cafes, restaurants open, where you can escape from obsessive thoughts and some experiences or just relax from a hard working day, week or month.

Moscow is known not only for the fact that this city is the capital of Russia, but also for the fact that most TV platforms, places for filming movies, offices of world brands, as well as the residence of the board of the president and chief ministers of the city are gathered in this place. It is this Russian metropolis that governs the country, implements its own rules and trends. People come here not only to relax, but also to move up the career ladder, get a higher education and find a high-paying job in major global companies. There is also a very developed network of show business and cinema. Most of the Russian pop stars studied and became famous in this city, and those who come here to develop themselves as a singer, dancer, film actor, TV presenter, and so on, achieve their desires.
Sights of Moscow.
You can see the city either alone with the help of metro, taxi, buses or other vehicles, or book an excursion. Most of all, excursions around the city on large double-decker buses are common among tourists. They can drive around most of the sights and memorable places.
Where do tourists and visitors of the city go first? That’s right, this is the world-famous Red Square with the Kremlin. This part of the city has now officially become the most recognizable landmark in Russia. Red Square with all its architectural structures and monuments is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List and every year crowds of tourists come here to see with their own eyes the walls of the square and the Kremlin and the country’s Government Center located nearby.

On the territory of this Square there is a building that resembles the pyramids of Egypt in shape. This is the world–famous mausoleum of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, one of the famous state political figures of Russia, as well as the leader of the October Revolution. Every day a huge number of people come to see the body of this man, which is located in the tomb under a transparent glass dome. It is undesirable to take pictures and shoot, as well as to come close and touch with your hands, too, in any case it is impossible.
MSU – Lomonosov Moscow State University also gathers a huge number of people around it every day. In particular, people like the old university building, which is a beige-colored structure with 30+ floors. Many residents of both Russia and other countries dream of getting here to study, since teachers here are famous everywhere. You can’t just walk inside the building. This is only possible during “Open Days” or holidays.

Moscow is known for the fact that most writers and poets lived or were born here. There are now museums or apartments in this city that are dedicated to authors or in which creative personalities of Russia once lived. Fans of mysticism visit the famous “Bad Apartment” number 50 on 302BIS Street. Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov, a famous Russian author of the twentieth century, once lived and worked in this apartment. And it is here that the events of his most famous work “The Master and Margarita” take place.
Here everything remains as it was during his lifetime. On the table you can see the primus, which, according to history, was repaired by the Hippopotamus Cat. This place is monitored and cared for every day. And the entrance is decorated with phrases from this work. Also, it often seems to the guest that something strange is happening in this room. And experienced people, when something creaked or fell in the building, say: “It’s Koroviev and Behemoth fooling around.” And another interesting point about apartment No. 50 is that a black fluffy cat lives here, who, according to legend, came here himself and responded only to the nickname Behemoth.
In addition to the apartment, fans of the “Master and Margarita” can walk along the Patriarch’s Ponds and sit on the very bench where Berlioz and Homeless met Satan with his retinue for the first time. In order to avoid those events, there is a sign with the inscription “Do not talk to strangers”.
Museum “Armory Chamber”. This beautiful and incredible place is part of the Moscow Kremlin. The museum is a treasury where memorabilia of rulers, emperors, empresses and noble families of the Russian Federation are collected. Here you can see such things as dresses decorated with precious stones and lace, some of which belonged to the Empresses Elizabeth I and Catherine I. Also knight’s armor, various carriages, which were also decorated with gold and diamonds.
In addition, the crowns of the royals are the main business card. One of them is the famous Monomakh Hat, which is located under a dome made of durable glass, decorated with stones and silk. It was made for the grandson of the ruler of Russia Ivan III – Tsarevich Dmitry, who tragically died and failed to be crowned with this hat.
Another incredible place is the Tretyakov Gallery. This is one of the biggest and most interesting places in Russia. This gallery contains many beautiful and famous works of art. Thematic exhibitions and expositions are often held here. To get around in one day, even if you run through the halls, not paying attention to all the beauty and sophistication of the works. It will take a very long time to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of art.
Of course, arriving in the capital of Russia, one can not help but taste delicious dishes of Russian cuisine. Cabbage soup, pickle, pickle, ear and so on. They can be tasted in restaurants that specialize in the preparation of such dishes. In addition, there are many establishments of cuisines from different countries of the world.
What to bring from Russia, namely Moscow?
It’s worth buying magnets or figurines by itself, but you can also choose something even more significant and original. Traditional Russian outfits: sundresses, kokoshniks, shirts or shirts, wooden spoons or plates, psaltery and most importantly – matryoshka dolls. You can also buy various clothes and shoes, cosmetics and medicines, various alcoholic beverages, sweets and appliances.

Moscow is a beautiful cultural city that welcomes thousands of new residents or tourists from other countries every day. Here you can have a good time, attend concerts of both local and world celebrities. Choosing a place where you can spend holidays, holidays, honeymoon and so on, you should not exclude Moscow from the list.